Develop Your Project Leaders | proCollab Consulting

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Elevate Your Project Leaders

With The Project Leader Development Method®

Done-With-You Programs, Tools, and Resources for Project-Based Businesses That Want To Enhance the Performance and Success of Their Project Management Talent

Elevating The Skills of Project Leaders Is What We Do Best!

The Project Leader Development Method®

The Project Leader Development Method® was developed by our founder, Jennifer Glatz, after working as a Project Manager in industrial construction for over a decade.

Many project-based organizations experience troubled projects, difficult team dynamics, and talent shortages that make it challenging to meet their business goals.

But the one thing that sets successful project-based organizations apart is how they set their people up for success…

Exceptional project organizations cultivate Project Leaders.
The Project Leader Development Method® accelerates their journey by elevating task managers into people leaders.

According to the Project Management Institute, over 25 million new project-professionals are needed by 2030*. Yet many professionals are leaving the industry because of lack of work-life integration, a lack of personalized training & support, and even burnout.

Business leaders can avoid these talent shortages, disengagement, and turnover by focusing their organization’s training and development efforts on project leadership skills.

But this doesn’t mean spending days or weeks inside a training room, pulling people away from their duties.

With the right tools and support…

A Project Leadership Skill Set Can Be Learned... INSIDE Everyday Project Work.

We Help Project-Based Businesses To...

And if you are thinking... "that's great, but we don't have time on top of our day jobs for all that!"

We work with project-based organizations that...

Project-based organizations are facing sustained talent shortages because they haven't yet figured out how to set their people up for success with today's diverse workforce.

Project professionals are leaving the industry...

All because they're missing the right tools and support.

Until now...

Introducing the...

Project Leader Development Method®

Here's our process to help you

Elevate Your Task Managers Into Project Leaders

Project Leader Assessment®

The first step is to assess where your organization is at with your Project Leader Development and then we'll create a personalized plan tailored for your business.

Project Leadership Success Criteria

Next, we work with you to create clear project leadership success criteria linked to your unique business strategy, stage, and performance results.

Empowered Project Leaders

The third step in the process is to empower your project talent through done-for-you programs, coaching, tools, consistent feedback, and support.

High-Performing People & Teams

Last, we cascade Project Leadership Principles throughout your business, enabling your employees and teams to perform at their best every day.